TSR which is also known as block rubber is graded according to precise technical parameters such as dirt content, ash content, nitrogen content, volatile matter and properties of the rubber such as its Wallace Plasticity (PO) and its Plasticity Retention Index (PRI).The TSR grades most widely used by the tyre and rubber industry are the TSR-20 and TSR-10 grades. The produce from Indonesia, Thailand and Malaysia are known as SIR20, STR20 and SMR20 respectively. Block rubber can be produced both from field latex as well as from latex coagulum or what is commonly known as cup- lump. Tree lace and unsmoked sheets can also be used in producing block rubber.TSR has the following advantages:Technically certified rather than visually graded as in the case of RSS and crepe grades of natural rubber.Consistency in qualityCompact packagingLow contamination in handling and transportation